January is done!
I for one am glad that January 2021 is gone and am thoroughly ready to embrace Spring in all her glory. Happy Imbolc, or St. Brigid’s day, the patron saint of babies, cattle & farmers. Here’s to Spring, to longer, warmer days.
Thank you to everyone who came to the Self Care Workshop yesterday. Grainne shared amazing insights on how to soothe the flight/ fight stress response and there was so much to learn about how to ignite or relax the glands by massaging the face & hands. To help relax ourselves & those we are caring for. We will repeat this workshop again later in the year.
If you would like to join me for another 30 days of Yoga, Meditation, Nidra and be the first to know about amazing Workshops then please join me here. Classes are –
Tuesday 9am a strength based class where everyone is welcome and you go as far as you want to embrace on the day.
Thursday 7pm WindDown a juicy Yin style class where we allow the benefits of a slower practice to nurture us from the inside.
Saturday 10am Nature inspired Vinyasa, a little faster flow but still open to everyone as the ultimate teacher to listen to is you!
Developing & cultivating healthy habits will help you deal with this abnormal situation we are living in. Yoga, sleep, a good diet, some exercise and positive mental tasks will help keep us on track for Spring.
Much love & light,