Hello yogi friends,
I am back from Ibiza, a place of white sand, lots of yoga, house music everywhere and relaxing energy. This is the perfect spot for Retreat so keep your eyes open for a Yoga Retreat in Ibiza for 2022! As I gaze into the sunset in the picture above I am thinking about my Yoga Practice for Autumn and wonder have you given thought to perhaps Building your Yoga Practice?
Autumn is a wonderful time of year, a time of renewal, all around we can see evidence of the Earth beginning to slow down, to begin the process of renewing herself. If we follow suit it can be the best time of year to let go of what no longer serves you. What does that mean? Simply stop doing the things that make you unhappy, that make you feel less than. This season of change is the earth’s offering to let go. So try it, write it down, scream it out and then burn that paper, let your lungs explode with sound. Then let me know how you get on.
Remember there is no right or wrong, only truth. Discover your truth, be the most amazing bloody human being you can be, you bloody rock star! Our classes for Autumn will be all about this process of renewal, of letting go, of setting intention to each part of our practice. Working with this pranic energy, prana shakti. Maybe you’ll get more vitality, more balance, more well- being. Yoga is a path of skill in action, let’s see how we get on.
Starting Monday 04th we are going to embark on a plank challenge. What does this involve? Simply join me for different planks 3 days a week, each class lasts 30 minutes. Which is not 30 minutes of. holding planks! Nope lots of rest between. These classes are all pre-recorded. We begin warming up the body, then move into breaking down forearm, side plank and of course full plank variations. There will be lots of knees on the floor building up to full plank. This is simply an offering to allow you to dip into building strength in the core of who you are. You will feel stronger, more resilient and it will be worth while taking note how you feel physically. If you would like to join me for this plank challenge click here. You can do these classes whenever in the day suits you. It will 30 minutes of fun I promise. No need to sign up each day, once you have bought the pass you are then automatically sent the recordings each week.
Zoom Yoga Classes this week –
Tuesday 9am – Morning flow, a class for flowing into the week, to build on our Asana. Meditation, flow, breathwork.
Thursday 7pm – WindDown Yoga, a gentle class for everyone. This class is all about release, gentle Asana, gentle movement, gentle care of ourselves.
Outdoor Yoga classes this week –
Wednesday 7.15pm Seapoint Yoga and an optional dip. Join me for a yummy evening flow, bask in sunset over Dublin bay.
Saturday 9am Seapoint, for those out around Dun Laoghaire join me for this new Vinyasa class. NEW CLASS!
Saturday 11am Herbert Park. Morning glory Vinyasa flow class. Book now as it does fill up.
To join any of the Zoom or outdoor classes click here
If you would like to join me for 30 days of yoga which gives you access to all live Zoom and in person classes click here.
Peace, love, namaste
x Chris