Thank you so much for the year that we shared together in yoga. We gathered online for yoga, education, music events, Nidra events. We gathered in the park and at the beach where we practiced yoga under the rising sun. We gathered in the evening at Seapoint to watch miraculous sunsets. We gathered at Lisnavagh and at Airfield. Thank you so much.
If you are in Dublin on Sunday 19th and fancy meeting me at The Forty Foot to light a candle and set an intention for this coming year I would love to see you at 7.45am.
The joy of yoga is immense, I would love to hear your year in yoga story. Please reply to this email and let me know what meant most to you this year.
Yoga this week –
Tuesday online 9am
Thursday online 7pm
Saturday online 9am
Saturday 11am Herbert park, wear your festive gear. There will be mince pies and mulled wine x
I am then taking a break until January Tuesday 04th January. For those of you on the 30 days of Yoga pass your pass will pause for 2 weeks. You will also receive 3 recordings a strength based class, a relaxing Yin class and a Vinyasa class.
Have a wonderful Christmas and thank you so much for supporting my teaching, for showing up for yourselves and for one another.
Much love xx