Today is International Yoga Day, it’s also the Summer Solstice and what a day it has been so far. I am just back from Lisnavagh House where I held a Restore Retreat. Accompanied by a tribe of students who practiced, meditated, journalled, ate, walked and swam as a group of women holding space for one another. Emily at Lisnavagh is a wonderful host, we all felt completely nourished from practice and food. Lisnavagh allowed us the space to tap into our inner child, to lie down with curiosity and stare at a giant yew, to walk down an overgrown path, to swim in the cool water of the river Slaney. To go to the yoga room and meditate when you felt the desire. To practice yoga outside under the vastness of the Carlow sky. We will be back.
This morning we gathered at sunrise for 108 rounds of Surya Namasker to honour the sun, to honour one another and to raise funds for Focus Ireland. The 108 took 2 hours, no mean feat I tell you to flow through all those rounds in that time. As I write this I am drinking tea, allowing my body and mind to rest after a busy few days.
Join me for practice this week –
Tuesday 9am, Morning Flow via Zoom – join me to build strength in your body, yep that means plank and maybe looking at Chatarunga
Wednesday 7.30pm, Sunset yoga in Seapoint – Yoga outside while the sun sets, please wear a few layers. It’s nice to feel warm at the start of class, optional swim after.
Thursday 7pm WindDown yoga via Zoom – the class to let go of the week. A Yin style class that invites you to release into those big muscles and lets you open out and soften anything being held in your body.
Friday 8am Outside Yoga Dun Laoghaire – Join me for a flowing yoga class facing the sun and embracing the new day.
Saturday 9am, via Zoom Vinyasa Flow. Open to all levels.
Saturday 11am, Park Yoga in the Herbert Park. A Vinyasa practice that is open to all levels.
Drop in rates available to all classes, click here to join any of the above classes.
There is also a 30 day pass available click here to join me for 30 days access to all Zoom and live classes, as well as first info on upcoming events, workshops and retreats.
Much love x Chris