We began this 6 week period with inquiry into breath awareness, explored the Vagus nerve and last week we meditated to Seamus Heaney’s poetry & the beauty of the colour yellow. Each theme informing our practice and tuning to our mindset.
As the weeks move on I hope you are tuning inwards in your practice and allowing yourself to let go of any agenda you may have for your yoga. the true work of yoga happens subtly and slowly.
This week we move into body literacy, looking to move with the systems of the body as Donna Farhi puts it – ‘the difference between..(Western & Eastern traditions) is like studying a foreign country from a book and living in that country. We have to live in the body to know it’.
Classes this week –
Tuesday 9am, Morning Flow
Thursday 7pm, WindDown Yoga
Saturday 10am & 11am, Park Yoga (virtual until level 5 is over).
x Chris