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The Beginners Mindset

Quiet. First thing in the morning. The time of day before anyone else is up. That time of stillness. The time to re-establish a spacious perspective that allows us to truly see our lives & understand where we are. To see with clarity. Taking just a few minutes each day to sit in quiet contemplation, it sets me up for the day.

Join me live online Monday 10th for a meditation practice. Time to create space for meditation, create space for movement, create space to come back to the core of you. This is a free offering, simply sign up here to receive the class link.

Our January offering is a mixture of online and in person classes. An offering of yoga, meditation, nidra. We will begin each Monday morning of January with a 20 minute meditation. Start each week with a beginner’s mindset. Understand how to embrace meditation as a tool that becomes less novelty or a nice thing to try but rather an anchor that holds you to what’s essential.

Āsana (movement) with the mantra of beginning, renewing, resetting, recalibrating, regroup for 2022. This is the start to a new year, it is a fresh start or even a restart. Set aside time & space to come back to yourself & draw back to your inner life. Our movement practices in January will be all about action setting. Embrace poses you know so well but with a new mindset, see where this takes you. Āsana classes will begin Tuesday 04th at 10am.

I can already feel the spark of joy the spark of excitement about getting back to you all x

The January class schedule –

Monday 7am online meditation club (commencing 10.01)

Tuesday 10am online Morning flow. Exploring our Āsana from a renewed perspective of a beginner. (from 04.01)

Wednesday 7.30pm online evening flow – a class to move and enjoy some subtle joy from going a bit further

Thursday 7pm online WindDown yoga – a yin style class to hit the reset button

Friday 12.15pm online – lunchtime express. An invigorating, rejuvenating class to break away from your desk and allow you to sit comfortably for the afternoon.

Saturday 9am online – Vinyasa flow

Saturday 11am Herbert Park.

January is a time to create new habits, to create new practices that help sustain you. When you’re ready to dust off the mat, to pull out your yoga clothes and join me I will be here arms out wide and delighted to have you back in class.

For those on the 30 days pass, we start again on Tuesday 04th. If you would like to join me for 30 days of yoga please click here. If you are joining me for 30 days of yoga and wish to bring a friend, select the discount pass FRIEND for 50% off (when purchasing your friend’s pass). You can always join me on a drop in basis for any of the classes please click here.

Much love, light & Roses (or Heroes if that’s what floats your boat) xx


Thank you for the year that’s gone.

Thank you so much for the year that we shared together in yoga. We gathered online for yoga, education, music events, Nidra events. We gathered in the park and at the beach where we practiced yoga under the rising sun. We gathered in the evening at Seapoint to watch miraculous sunsets. We gathered at Lisnavagh and at Airfield. Thank you so much.

If you are in Dublin on Sunday 19th and fancy meeting me at The Forty Foot to light a candle and set an intention for this coming year I would love to see you at 7.45am.

The joy of yoga is immense, I would love to hear your year in yoga story. Please reply to this email and let me know what meant most to you this year.

Yoga this week –

Tuesday online 9am

Thursday online 7pm

Saturday online 9am

Saturday 11am Herbert park, wear your festive gear. There will be mince pies and mulled wine x

I am then taking a break until January Tuesday 04th January. For those of you on the 30 days of Yoga pass your pass will pause for 2 weeks. You will also receive 3 recordings a strength based class, a relaxing Yin class and a Vinyasa class.

Have a wonderful Christmas and thank you so much for supporting my teaching, for showing up for yourselves and for one another.

Much love xx


Join me in studio Monday 7pm for Evening Flow

Join me for an evening practice in celebration of all things dark. A flowing class that combines movement, meditation and pranayama. This class will help you develop strength in body and mind, stamina to hold poses a little longer. Move with your breath, feel the benefit and joy of relaxation from total embodiment.

Booking is essential for this class. There are limited places so please book today if you wish to join me in studio in Terenure for this evening class.

Yoga classes this week –

Monday 7pm in studio Terenure

Tuesday 9am online yoga for strength

Thursday 7pm online Yin style gentle relaxation

Saturday 9am online Vinyasa

Saturday 11am Herbert park Vinyasa Flow

To book into class click here.

Much love

x Chris

Join me Thursday 7pm for a special December practice for free as a thank you x

To book into this free class simply click here, select the Thursday evening class and use the code ‘Winter’ to join.

See you tomorrow Thursday 02nd to honour all that is dark, and create space for the light to get in.

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in”

Leonard Cohen

Here’s a playlist I curated for this darker winter season, perhaps you will have it on during class. I will be playing it but feel free to tune into it when you feel the call. We moved through this music while practicing at Lenehan’s, it’s joyful and will allow you to move gently.


I was so sad and sorry when my last yoga teacher decided to move home to Italy. I thought I would never find a better teacher & then… I found Chris. She delivers a wonderfully unique class which is a marriage of movement and breath. Her class delivers a complete workout for whatever level you’re at, whilst being easy on the body and calming the mind. I look forward to every class and have never felt stronger or better.

C. Horgan

Christine conveys an immense passion for yoga. Her energy is palpable. She also has a discerning understanding of how the body works when practicing yoga. I really enjoy her classes which leave me feeling full of positivity!

D. O’Reilly

Christine is a great yoga teacher and I recommend you give her a go.  She is very spiritual but her love of family and her surroundings come through clearly in her teaching - I have wished so many times to be with her in Dublin on the beach, in the studio, in the park! I have loved her classes via Zoom and her early morning Rise and Shine class has been a fantastic start to my day.  She is very knowledgeable and clearly puts a lot into planning each month and each week. Her classes are well prepared and she takes time to explain positions with variations too so that it is suitable for many levels. Having practised with her for 6 months, she keeps her practice interesting with different themes so that no 2 classes are completely the same.  I am loving my yoga journey with her and look forward to it continuing for many years.

N. Roberts

Absolutely love Chris’s yoga classes. It has become a staple part of my week to keep my mind clear and my body right. Chris is a fantastic teacher and I especially enjoy her meditation and reflections during class. Chris herself is such a fantastic person both inside and out and her light is infectious! 

S. Foley



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