Quiet. First thing in the morning. The time of day before anyone else is up. That time of stillness. The time to re-establish a spacious perspective that allows us to truly see our lives & understand where we are. To see with clarity. Taking just a few minutes each day to sit in quiet contemplation, it sets me up for the day.
Join me live online Monday 10th for a meditation practice. Time to create space for meditation, create space for movement, create space to come back to the core of you. This is a free offering, simply sign up here to receive the class link.
Our January offering is a mixture of online and in person classes. An offering of yoga, meditation, nidra. We will begin each Monday morning of January with a 20 minute meditation. Start each week with a beginner’s mindset. Understand how to embrace meditation as a tool that becomes less novelty or a nice thing to try but rather an anchor that holds you to what’s essential.
Āsana (movement) with the mantra of beginning, renewing, resetting, recalibrating, regroup for 2022. This is the start to a new year, it is a fresh start or even a restart. Set aside time & space to come back to yourself & draw back to your inner life. Our movement practices in January will be all about action setting. Embrace poses you know so well but with a new mindset, see where this takes you. Āsana classes will begin Tuesday 04th at 10am.
I can already feel the spark of joy the spark of excitement about getting back to you all x
The January class schedule –
Monday 7am online meditation club (commencing 10.01)
Tuesday 10am online Morning flow. Exploring our Āsana from a renewed perspective of a beginner. (from 04.01)
Wednesday 7.30pm online evening flow – a class to move and enjoy some subtle joy from going a bit further
Thursday 7pm online WindDown yoga – a yin style class to hit the reset button
Friday 12.15pm online – lunchtime express. An invigorating, rejuvenating class to break away from your desk and allow you to sit comfortably for the afternoon.
Saturday 9am online – Vinyasa flow
Saturday 11am Herbert Park.
January is a time to create new habits, to create new practices that help sustain you. When you’re ready to dust off the mat, to pull out your yoga clothes and join me I will be here arms out wide and delighted to have you back in class.
For those on the 30 days pass, we start again on Tuesday 04th. If you would like to join me for 30 days of yoga please click here. If you are joining me for 30 days of yoga and wish to bring a friend, select the discount pass FRIEND for 50% off (when purchasing your friend’s pass). You can always join me on a drop in basis for any of the classes please click here.
Much love, light & Roses (or Heroes if that’s what floats your boat) xx