Join me Sunday February 26th prepare for the next chapter in your life. This offering is a monthly meet up, a space to come together in joy, in practice. To share, be nurtured and be held within a safe space. We will begin with a yoga class lead by Chris Molloy. The class will be a Bhakti class filled with devotion for yourself. An offering of love and gratitude for the year that has passed and welcoming the light of the year ahead. The space will be there for you to rest, restore and recharge. Being together, practicing yoga together, supporting one another, showing up for every woman in the room.
The theme of February’s circle is Prepare. The separation of set patterns can be painful, we are used to feeling and acting in certain ways. This day will help you to reset patterns and mindsets that heal and allow you to experience life in a new way. We will sit in a healing meditation taking note of what comes up and moving from this space.
After our Ãsana class we will draw awareness to our breathing patterns with a Pranayama practice. Following this you will enjoy Mama Cacao to fully absorb and bathe in all that is shifted throughout the day.
We will then enjoy a loving, nutritious meal together by candlelight.
Book in here.
Joining me in class this week –
Today, Sunday is the January Gathering which is full, but you can join me in February see all the details above.
Monday 10am at BodyMindBreath book via MindBody app.
12.30pm EdenOne members only.
Tuesday 11.30am EdenOne members only.
Wednesday 7.30pm online build fire in your practice with a strong Evening flow.
Thursday 7pm online WindDown yoga, release tension and stress in your body.
Friday 6.15pm YogaHub Blackrock, this class is full each week so book today via MindBody if you wish to join me.
Saturday 11am Herbert Park, Vinyasa under the sky. It’s the best part of the week, the temperatures around 10 degrees so just wear a few layers and prepare to flow. If it’s too cold or wet we have the option of the indoor studio space in the Park. Park Yoga never disappoints, it’s truly transformative to receive all the gifts of Mother Nature.
Book in to the outdoor or online classes here.
Much love a chroí,
Chris x