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Happy new faces each week at yoga

Each week there are more and more people joining class. There is something about Yoga that keeps bringing us back to the mat. It’s a technical term called the Yoga high. If you have experienced that calm, restful state after Savasana it’s all thanks to the parasympathetic nervous system kicking in. This is in thanks to deep breathing, being outside and expressing gratitude, moving in a gentle way to appreciate your body. All of this is telling your body you’re safe.

Everything we do changes the structure and chemical composition of our brains. Yoga actually helps to retrain your brain to be positive, to face challenges in an open hearted and lighter way. To understand that you can meet stress, heartache, hurt and pain you don’t need to run away from these, rather use your learnings. Can you meet life’s obstacles in a learned and body wise way. This is neuroplasticity, training your brain to be calm in the face of a crisis.

So the next time we are in a pose you don’t like and I say take 5 breaths, smile, breathe and relax into the pose.

Practice with me this week –

Tuesday 10am, online Morning flow. A class to build strength.

Wednesday 7.30pm Seapoint Sunset Yoga. It’s set to be 16 degrees with a high tide.

Thursday 7pm online WindDown yoga

Saturday 11am Yoga in Herbert Park. It’s looking like 17 degrees for Park yoga this week.

To book into class click here. If you are coming to class regularly with me there is a monthly offering, 30 days of Yoga for €50, it’s the most cost effective way to practice. All classes included, click here. There is also a 4 class pass with a discount for class click here to purchase that.

For those out Blackrock way I will be teaching a regular 6.15pm class Friday so please join me, to book into this class please book in through MindBody.

Have a wonderful week,

Much love

x Chris

What to expect in each yoga class

Sometimes in Yoga we come to the mat with a mindset of wanting to master a pose, sometimes there is a calling to the mat that is spiritual. In my teaching and indeed my own practice it is the joyful awareness of each minute change in my body, my breath travelling deeper into parts of my body that previously lay still. Conscious awareness of my own presence within the boundary of my physical and metaphysical body.

My teaching offering is a mix of classes designed to help you on your own journey through life. Tuesday’s 10am class is based on strength. Getting strong in the physical and mental body to be able to sit still in meditation. In this class I also break down poses alot more than other classes. This online class is the opportunity to come to the mat and really learn how your body moves.

Wednesday evening is quite a special class. To be able to practice yoga watching the sunset over Dublin bay is a real treat. The best way to enjoy this class is to be warm at the start, so wear your coat, a hat, keep your warm socks on and please bring a blanket. A warm drink is always a good idea also. This class is a flowing class bringing movement and meditation together. From this week I will have a floral circle with me. You are invited to join me, write down your worries anything that is troubling you. Attach it to the floral circle we will then remove them and burn them. This is a powerful healing ritual that will allow you to release grief, anger hurt or resentment. Allowing you to create space for love.

Thursday 7pm online is WindDown yoga. This is a yin style class. You will need to bring props to your practice space. Taking time to use pillows, blankets, maybe even do the class on your bed. Light a candle, burn some incense. Slowly unfurling into each pose and spending about 5 minutes in each pose, this class aims to ignite your parasympathetic nervous system. Not familiar with this? Read this article. Basically you are inviting calm, peace and love into your own body.

Saturday 11am Park Yoga at Herbert Park. The most beautiful outdoor space to practice. I set up beside a large oak tree, she shelters us from rain, protects us from the strongest sun shine and is a great nesting spot for chats after class. This is a Vinyasa class. It’s the class that brings it all together. So if you come along Tuesday you learn a specific pose chances are it will be in the Saturday class that week.

Most of I really want you to enjoy my teaching, so please any feedback at all you would like to share, get in touch.

To book into class click here. If you are coming to class regularly with me there is a monthly offering, 30 days of Yoga for €50, it’s the most cost effective way to practice. All classes included, click here. There is also a 4 class pass which works out at €8 per class, click here to purchase that.

For those out Blackrock way I will be teaching a regular 6.15pm class Friday so please join me, to book into this class please book in through MindBody.

Have a wonderful week,

Much love

x Chris

Summer is here, and I am so excited

Damn it has felt a long time since I felt the heat of the sun on my skin. Walking the kids to school this morning was so pleasant. The scent of jasmine in the air, those tiny white flowers is quite heady and instantly recognisable. Kids are whirring about smiling knowing the summer holidays are coming. Parents are slowly making it to the end of term, making plans for lazy days of beach time and perhaps reading that book that’s gathering dust on the shelf.

In our outdoor practice, the trees are in full bloom. The blue skies and warm sun overhead is a reminder that as the Earth moves in cycles so do we. It’s just a wonder each day seeing the sunrise, the sun set, there’s comfort in knowing that this happens each and every day. Turning points like graduations, birthdays, weddings even death pulls us into memories, nostalgia and moments of truth.

All these places allow us to grow, that’s where yoga is such a wonderful tool. It is the technology that allows us to check in physically, mentally and spiritually. How have I grown from my 1st, 21st or 31st years of sunrises? Am I happy? Do the flowers that reside within me bloom? When we feel these moments of happiness, these moments of unhappiness; there is learning there, tune into the learning and grow.

Yoga asks you to break free of all attachments or yearnings. To step into your true Self. I will leave you with a quote from Krishna –

Let your concern be with the action alone, and never with the fruits of the action. Do not let the results of your action be your motive, and do not be attached to inaction.


Join me in class this week –

Tuesday 10am, online Morning flow. A class to build strength.

Wednesday 7.30pm Seapoint Sunset Yoga. It’s set to be 16 degrees with a high tide.

Thursday 7pm online WindDown yoga

Saturday 11am Yoga in Herbert Park. It’s looking like 17 degrees for Park yoga this week.

To join me in any of these classes please click here to book into each class individually.

Have you tried 30 days of Yoga?? 30 days starting any time in the month with access to all weekly classes, 7 day playback on all online classes, click here to join me.

Much love, have a great week

x Chris

Yield to the Earth

Last week was a real treat in terms of teaching. When we practice yoga outside, it’s an invitation to step outside the controlled four walls of a studio space. This can be difficult sometimes but this is what the life is about isn’t it? Being able to roll with what comes up. An outdoor practice not only teaches you to be able to deal with the uncontrollable aspects of life but also loving and appreciating our planet.

Just as one wave flows into another, each leaf into each branch, the continuous flow of nature reminds us that nothing is stationery. Life moves continually. So we learn to welcome the sun, the rain, the bugs onto our mat, the birds over head singing. It’s all part of our planet, a living every changing thing and it’s kind of great.

Practice with me this week

Tuesday 10am, online Morning flow. A class to build strength.

Wednesday 7.30pm Seapoint Sunset Yoga. The tide will be in so we can swim x

Thursday 7pm online WindDown yoga

Saturday 11am Yoga in Herbert Park.

To join me in any of these classes please click here to book into each class individually.

Have you tried 30 days of Yoga?? 30 days starting any time in the month with access to all weekly classes, 7 day playback on all online classes, click here to join me.

Much love, have a great week

x Chris

Connection, mind, body , soul, community makes it whole.

This week has been pretty amazing. I had a whole week of in what I can only describe as full connection. The past 2 years we have been pushed to a space of disconnection. That of disconnection we those we love and indeed our own bodies. The threat of sickness, not touching or hugging others. It was so weird. Last Wednesday evening we returned to Seapoint for sunset yoga. The evening was amazing, thank you all to those who came and flowed into the sunset with me.

I travelled for yoga training, practiced with the amazing Kino MacGregor in a cool New York studio. The practice was long, strong and deeply nourishing. The overall feelings and emotions of this past week has been a sense of returning to that which sustains me fully; community. My New York family have been bringing me lots of places, funky bars and restaurants as well as seeing a Diego Rivera piece of art for the first time.

Join me for practice this week –

Tuesday 10am, online Morning flow. A class to build strength.

Wednesday 7.30pm Seapoint Sunset Yoga. The tide will be in so we can swim x

Thursday 7pm online WindDown yoga (pre recorded class)

Saturday 11am Yoga in Herbert Park.

To join me in any of these classes please click here to book into each class individually.

Have you tried 30 days of Yoga?? 30 days starting any time in the month with access to all weekly classes, 7 day playback on all online classes, click here to join me.

Much love, have a great week

x Chris

Bealtaine blessings

Happy May Day lovely friends. We are in the middle of a nice long bank holiday weekend. The sun is dancing between the clouds, poking her head out and bringing heat and then she gets covered over and the rain starts. Can’t complain too much about the rain though. We planted beetroot and cabbage in the garden recently so the rain means they’re sorted for watering. Which means more time to read, walks with the kids, my own yoga practice and practicing gratitude. Yep gratitude, being grateful for each and every moment of each and every day. Being grateful for the joy of living.

Throughout May we will work into our shoulders and upper backs. Those of you practicing with me in April have been on a shoulder journey and we will continue this. So much of our modern life sees us closing ourselves off to the outside. Sitting at desks, over phones, rounding our shoulders protecting ourselves from being hurt. But by doing this we also close ourselves off to the power of human connection and compassion. So join me in May to open out, to embrace heart opening postures to encourage you to be more compassionate and present in your life.

Beach yoga

Sunrise is kind of early at the moment (around 5.45am), are you getting up to watch it? Living on the East coast it can be amazing to watch the ball of yellow rise over the sea. But if you’re not an early morning person try a glimpse at sunset. Studies show that if you have had a tough day, drive to your favourite spot, watch the sunset. Then take a few moments to tune in to how you feel. Let it wash over you, breathe. Sunset Yoga is back this Wednesday 04th 7.30-8.30pm. Join me for a class that uplifts you spiritually, move with Evening energy and then Savasana under the big blue. Bring a blanket to wrap around you to keep toasty warm.

Join me for class this week –

Tuesday 10am, online Morning flow. A class to build strength.

Wednesday 7.30pm Seapoint Sunset Yoga. First sunset class this year.

Thursday 7pm online WindDown yoga (pre recorded class)

Saturday 11am Yoga in Herbert Park.

To join me in any of these classes please click here to book into each class individually.

Have you tried 30 days of Yoga?? 30 days starting any time in the month with access to all weekly classes, 7 day playback on all online classes, click here to join me.

Much love, have a great week

x Chris

Practice, Practice, Practice

Yes that old adage that practice makes perfect rings so true. Exercising for a healthy body, meditating for a healthy mind, eating well to sustain whole body energy, making time for those you love. The Junior cert child in our house is learning this lesson also, working & studying are all practice. Building it into your daily routine, it’s hard work and then it becomes habit.

Really listening in, I found in 2 outdoor classes last week that each one created this energy that is simply unique in a yoga class. Teaching outside just feels so damn good, it really does call on you to keep going inside and tuning into how you truly feel. Can’t wait to be back at Seapoint for sunset yoga Wednesday 04th May. Book in here, wear a few layers to keep warm at the start and for Savasana.

Lots of us are practicing still online in our homes. When we step onto our mats we prepare for a practice that is designed to fulfill us. So why not make it a bit special. Create a little altar by your practice space. My classes are designed to be a spiritually uplifting experience. So why not put a photo of some-one you love at the top of your mat, any one you would like to send loving healing energy towards. Been to the beach recently? Pop a seashell near your mat or perhaps some flowers, or hey even a crystal or 2. The world is your altar oyster.

Join me in class this week

Tuesday 10am, online Morning flow. A class to build strength.

Wednesday 7.30pm online, Evening flow.

Thursday 7pm online WindDown yoga.

Saturday 9am Yoga at Seapoint

Saturday 11am Yoga in Herbert Park.

To join me in class please click here to book into each class individually. Have you tried 30 days of Yoga?? 30 days starting any time in the month with access to all weekly classes, 7 day playback on all online classes, click here to join me.

Much love, have a great week

x Chris

Return each time to Gratitude

Ever feel a disconnection of yourself, feelings of low self worth? There are so many forces from external to distract us but also internal forces. We erect barriers and obstacles that stop us from doing the internal work to understand our true selves. But when you make actions to explore yourself, find your purpose, then shift happens. How to find the thing that wakes you up, that gets you going. This has been the kick in the ass I needed this week.

If you really truly listen there are so many callings that you can tap into, you can always find your purpose within yourself when you truly tune in. Working through my goals from the start of this year, it has been tough to get out of the starting blocks. Not sure if it is post COVID hangover but 2022 has been a tough year to navigate so far.

Taking it back to the primary sources of self care and understanding what works for me, I begin with gratitude. I don’t have the answers to all my sh*t, so going back to source looks like starting each day with a practice of gratitude. Genuinely it makes me feel better, it shifts my perception of my relationships, my understanding of my path for teaching.

There was a time when as a single mother life was extremely hard. Living in a space where there was never enough of anything to now living in a space where there is plenty I find it tough still to not beat the crap out of myself and feel I am not enough. Ruminating through my mind and asking the question why do I do that? So a return to being conscious of my energy, of loving each and every episode of my life, of every experience that comes my way. Gratitude, appreciation it works and that’s how I choose to be.

So here’s some serious gratitude – I am so happy to announce that we will return to sunset yoga Wednesday May 04th at Seapoint. This is the most beautiful class where you can flow into the evening, open out and release from your day. Then watch the sunset over Dublin bay. Huge gratitude to all of you who came to practice with me in 2021 at this special place and I look forward to seeing you again soon my lovelies. To book into this class click here.

Join me for class this week –

Tuesday 10am, online Morning flow. A class to build strength.

Wednesday 7.30pm online, Evening flow.

Thursday 7pm online WindDown yoga.

Saturday 9am Yoga at Seapoint

Saturday 11am Yoga in Herbert Park.

To join me in class please click here to book into each class individually. Have you tried 30 days of Yoga?? 30 days starting any time in the month with access to all weekly classes, 7 day playback on all online classes, click here to join me.

Much love, have a great week

x Chris

Tuning in to the natural world, noticing what’s going on.

The earth is beginning to heat up, if you dig your hands into the soil you feel the warmth of space for life to grow. This is true of ourselves, when we start digging, start ruminating within ourselves we begin to find space to grow.

A wonderful book recommended to me this week is The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer, a journey of self exploration and the penultimate question of who am I? Seems like a small enough question but with a huge answer. Sounds like the perfect read for Spring.

Listening to this week – James Joyce Ulysses, yep that’s right Ulysses. It’s on Spotify a dramatised production of the book which has me gripped. From The Forty Foot to Sandymount Stephen & Leopold have me hooked.

Sunrise is kind of magnificent at the moment. Yep I know I always say that but that’s because it always is.

Park Yoga continues Saturdays at 11am in the Herbert Park, last week was warm, cold, lots of sunshine and then a sprinkling of rain just to mix things up. If you would like to join (or rejoin) me in the park each Saturday please book here.

Teaching Schedule this week –

Tuesday 10am online, Morning flow.

Wednesday 7.30pm online, Evening flow.

Thursday 7pm online WindDown yoga.

Saturday 9am Yoga at Seapoint

Saturday 11am Yoga in Herbert Park.

To join me in class please click here to book into each class individually. Have you tried 30 days of Yoga?? 30 days starting any time in the month with access to all weekly classes, 7 day playback on all online classes, click here to join me.

Much love, have a great week

x Chris

That post yoga feel, enhanced by being outside

What spectacular weather we are having in Ireland at the moment. St. Patrick’s day was wonderful, the kids watched the parade, the sun was shining and it felt like a moment of reposing in happiness. Saturday yoga at the Herbert Park was magical, thank you to those who showed up and danced with the Spring wind to Vinyasa flow. Join me this Saturday 11am it’s going to be another bright and sunny day. To join me click here. When I watch your faces coming out of Savasana outside in the park there are many words to describe watching your smile, your content energy, your relaxed body movements. It’s that post yoga feel, enhanced by being outside.


I am so happy to be able to bring Yoga back to Seapoint, this class is really special. Join me for Vinyasa flow by the beach followed by an optional dip in the sea or bring something warm to drink and enjoy the Spring sunshine.

The smell of the flowers in my garden at the moment is amazing. As I walk past the magnolia she greets me with smells bubbling almost like champagne. Her full bounty is only here fleetingly, she blooms and the returns to slumber. Her flowers are already dotting the garden path, she makes me happy and I love her.

I would love to see you at Yoga this week –

Tuesday 10am online, this is the best class to start your week. We warm up, break poses down so you can really understand how to move in class.

Wednesday 7.30pm online evening flow. A lovely class to take the stress out of your day. Movement, meditation and plenty of guidance for each pose.

Thursday 8pm, WindDown yoga online. Light a candle, grab some cushions. Take time to prepare your space to allow total relaxation into your body.

NEW CLASS – Saturday 9am, Yoga on the beach at Seapoint. Taking Yoga outside at the beach. Please share the word as this is the first beach yoga class of 2022! It will be low tide so we will be on the beach for yoga, optional dip in the sea after xx

Saturday 11am, Park yoga at Herbert Park. The sounds of the park unfold around you as you bask in Spring light.

To join me in any of the above classes click here.

Much love, light and Spring sunshine

x Chris


I was so sad and sorry when my last yoga teacher decided to move home to Italy. I thought I would never find a better teacher & then… I found Chris. She delivers a wonderfully unique class which is a marriage of movement and breath. Her class delivers a complete workout for whatever level you’re at, whilst being easy on the body and calming the mind. I look forward to every class and have never felt stronger or better.

C. Horgan

Christine conveys an immense passion for yoga. Her energy is palpable. She also has a discerning understanding of how the body works when practicing yoga. I really enjoy her classes which leave me feeling full of positivity!

D. O’Reilly

Christine is a great yoga teacher and I recommend you give her a go.  She is very spiritual but her love of family and her surroundings come through clearly in her teaching - I have wished so many times to be with her in Dublin on the beach, in the studio, in the park! I have loved her classes via Zoom and her early morning Rise and Shine class has been a fantastic start to my day.  She is very knowledgeable and clearly puts a lot into planning each month and each week. Her classes are well prepared and she takes time to explain positions with variations too so that it is suitable for many levels. Having practised with her for 6 months, she keeps her practice interesting with different themes so that no 2 classes are completely the same.  I am loving my yoga journey with her and look forward to it continuing for many years.

N. Roberts

Absolutely love Chris’s yoga classes. It has become a staple part of my week to keep my mind clear and my body right. Chris is a fantastic teacher and I especially enjoy her meditation and reflections during class. Chris herself is such a fantastic person both inside and out and her light is infectious! 

S. Foley



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